Sunday, January 25, 2009

Joseph's 3rd Birthday

Joseph blowing out his candle at his 3rd birthday bash
Joseph's new MSU helmet for his birthday

Joseph's 3rd year of swimming lessons

Kylie's first year of swimming lessons

The daily ritual of waiting for Mom to come home from work

Monday, January 12, 2009

First and Perhaps Joseph's Last Ice Fishing Trip

0 degrees, the wind blowing, and we are the only suckers out on the ice without an ice house. I'm not sure Joseph was terribly impressed. By the time I unloaded the truck, carried Joseph and our gear out onto the ice and drilled a few holes, I think we only spent a total of about 10 minutes actually fishing before Joseph had a breakdown and we had to go.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas with the Bjerke's

Kylie's new piano from Aunt Megs and Mo.
Joseph's new race track from Santa.

A very sticky project finally complete.

The fam.

The Polings Christmas day.

0 degrees and a cold little girl.

Grandma being a good sport getting pulled my the snowmobile back behind the house.

The neighborhood thought the Montanans were crazy out playing in the cold.

A day at the Mall of America.

Everyone at the hospital to see where Leslie works.

Joseph's gift to Kylie. They got to open one gift Christmas eve.